Within the framework of our research, development and publication activities related to the inspection and certification of the production, processing and trade of organic foodstuffs and agricultural products we take part in several applied research & development projects, the results of which we publish on our webpage, in specific publications or in the regular issues of the Biokultúra Magazine.
We are looking forward to the enquiries of researchers, research institutes, and business organisations who have intentions to draw up joint project plans related to these issues.
Brief summaries of our closed projects in topic Sustainable consumption, especially labelling/certifications and Research
ECOVOC is an innovation transfer project implemented within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci „Lifelong Learning Program”. With the help of our international partners, we are planning to develop the syllabus of the „Organic fruit and vegetable farming” higher vocational education, on a level which is ready for accreditation. Please visit our website for further understanding of the project results.
Organic, health protective einkorn beers development and production (ALKOBEER, 2009-2013)
The project website is available on the following link: http://alkobeerprojekt.hu/cms/english/.
The direct aim of the project was to produce a health promoting einkorn wheat-based beer with high biological value. However, the overall goal of the project was to develop and implement a model that may be generally applied by the stakeholders of the organic food processing sector. We draw up a complex research and development concept, which is based on research in plant biology and genetics and offers solution for the technological and development issues concerning plant breeding, seed production, large-scale crop production, industrial raw material production, processing and brewing industry. We implemented this in such a way that all the elements of the development chain are in compliance with the requirements of organic certification and traceability. Consortium partners in the project: Körös-Maros Biofarm Kft., MTA Agricultural Research Institute, Budapest Corvinus University Department of Brewing and Distilling. Technical director of the project, the pioneer of ecological breeding, Dr. Géza Kovács.
Testing methods in organic cultivation for soil and water polluting residues
The organic production standards do not allow the use of synthetic pesticides. However, the soils past can be very diverse, and residues often appear as a real threat, due to previous use of persistent pesticides. These pesticides can be found in the various layers of the soil, and certain plants can mobilize them. As a result, some plants, which were grown in organic conditions, can reach the market containing residues. A similar problem may come from the irrigation water. The aim of the project was to improve the quality of the irrigation water and the soil testing methods for organic farming. This would guarantee the safety of chemical measurements. The project’s further objective could be to select the risky plants and prepare a bioremediation work plan. Consortium partners in the project: MTA Institute of Plant Protection, Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Ltd., Bio-Kalibra Bt. Technical director of the project Prof. Dr. Béla Darvas. The project took place between 2006 and 2008, in the context of OMFB-00948/2005 contract.
Survey of the consumption of organic food in Hungary (2007)
The main objective of the project was implemented with the support of EUROSTAT, to develop statistical data collection and processing methods within the framework of the EU. This way a comparable database is set in relation to each Member State on the consumption of organic food, as well as the construction of a harmonized statistical database. Our work in collaboration with experts from the Central Statistical Office, we obtained information through interviews and Family Budget Survey (HBS) results and other available materials. As a result of Biokontroll has developed its own product catalogue, which can be used in the practice as well.
Development of an organic production, trade and consumption statistics database in Hungary (2007)
This project was realised by EUROSTAT co-financing, aimed to create an Environmental Management and Product Registry, and then an Organic Farming Database, which are available through a statistical code, and it can be assigned with the Product Catalogue and other agricultural and food statistical databases. Thanks to this innovation we are capable of direct data services in relation of the organic farming.
Organic maize project (2005-2007)
In the framework of the consortium project through cooperation of the Agricultural Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd., Bázismag Seed Breeding, Production and Marketing Ltd. and Biokontroll Hungária Inspection and Certification Nonprofit Ltd. between 2005 and 2007 we prepared, evaluated and tested the organic breeding methods for maize, high quality maize hybrids suitable for organic production were developed, and the improvement of forage value based on xenia was tested in hybrid mixes. In the course of work the experts of Biokontroll lead by Dr. Péter Roszík prepared a general standard for organic variety breeding and a special standard for maize, the system and documents of inspection and certification procedure and created the data base of organic maize production. The project was completed in the framework of the National Development Plan on the basis of the contract of no. GVOP-3.1.1.-2004-05-0053/3.0 coordinated by dr. Géza Kovács. Using the results of this project Biokontroll has involved the standards of organic variety breeding into its quality system.
Organic seed project (2004-2007)
In the project “Development of the standard for organic seed certification and of a database, and searching for arable crop varieties suitable for organic production” supported by the Research and Technology Development Fund through cooperation with other partners between 2004 and 2006 we set up comparative field trials among inspected organic conditions at six locations (Szeged, Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, Kompolt, Karcag, Rábcakapi) for studying the performance of winter wheat, winter barley, oat, sunflower and potato varieties.
EU-conform organic meat products of Hungarian native livestock breeds (2004-2006)
The aim of this consortium project was to solve the production of dry sausage products and ham of Hungarian native livestock breeds (mangalica swine and Hungarian grey cattle), which are in compliance even with the most stringent requirements of organic certification and then to solve the designation of origin of these products in order to increase the range of choice of Hungarian organic products with creating new, tradeable meat products. In the realisation of the project the Hungarian Meat Research Institute, the Institute of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology of Kaposvár University and Biokontroll were involved. The project was supported by the EU and was completed on the basis of contract of no. GVOP-3.1.1.-2004-05-0126/3.0 coordinated by dr. Gabriella Zsarnóczay.
Brief summaries of our closed projects in topic Behaviour change and Awareness raising, mobilizing citizens/consumers
Development of HU-ÖKO-01 certification system and promotion of organic farming by setting up a mobile laboratory (2009-2010, KEOP-6.2.0/B/09-2009-0005)
In 2010-2011 Biokontroll set up a new, gap-filler testing-inspection system co-financed by the EU and the European Regional Development Fund that provides guarantee for the consumers of organic products and at the same time greatly assists organic farmers, processors and traders. In the mobile laboratories equipped with up-to-date testing equipments and tools which can be fitted on three vans the results of the analyses of the samples taken on the spot or collected by skilled agricultural engineers can support “organic quality” required by EU regulations and by Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Ltd.
Standard mobile laboratory (2): nitrate content, GMO contamination, rapid tests for mycotoxin, microscopic examination, measuring instruments, laser distance measuring equipment.
Extra mobile laboratory (1): its basic equipments are the same as those in the standard mobile laboratory, special instruments:
– DELTA TOX II. TestSystem for toxin detection and
– MININFRA GT grain spectroscope infrared rapid analyser.
With these three laboratories we carry out analyses on the basis of risk assessment and on random way annually in Hungarian organic farms or in case of imported organic goods, but tests can be carried out also at the request of consumers or to clarify the background of complaints.
After the opening ceremony of the model project Biokontroll has provided a separate venue on its organised or visited events for the presentation of the mobile laboratory.
Within the framework of this project we launched a communication campaign in order to promote organic farming and organic products in 2010 and 2011.
Improvement of the theoretical and practical knowledge base by the thematic renewal of Biokultúra magazine (2009-2010)
In April 2009 Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Ltd. has received a one-year grant to publish six issues (2009/6., 2010/1., 2010/2. sz., 2010/3., 2010/4., 2010/5.) of Biokultúra magazine with renewed content in the framework of MECENATÚRA program.
By the professional development of Biokultúra magazine it became possible to share up-to date information with the organic farmers regarding the results of the Hungarian and the international agricultural studies and practice and the spreading of the positive effects of the organic approach in the society. This was completed by setting up a new thematic structure. There new sections were as follows: Science for production, New issues in organic crop production, Modern organic livestock keeping, Organic processing with innovative methods, Organic trade, Arguments for organic, Short news from the world of organic, Events, Organic world and Formal communication. The project was financed by the Research, Technology and Innovation Fund on the basis of the contract of no. OMFB-00519/2010 lead by dr. Roszica Koleva.
Environmentally sound campaign to raise awareness of the Hungarian population regarding organic food consumption (2009)
In 2009 Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Ltd., the Hungarian Biokultúra Federation and the Hungarian Organic Farmers Society co-financed by the EU and the European Regional Development Fund launched a campaign consisting of several events related to environmentally sound issues.
The most important aim of the project was to promote sustainable lifestyle and raising environmental awareness especially in everyday life and diet.
Biokultúra meeting (07/03/2009)
On the conference organised at the same time famous experts and professionals representing environmental organisations gave presentations on the field of environmental protection, organic food, health and sustainable lifestyle.
St. George’s day celebration of the animals turning out to pasture and National Organic Merket (25-26/04/2009)
On the first day there was an organic conference held on traditions, nature conservation and livestock keeping. Then there was a presentation on thetraditional event, when the animals were turned out to the pasture and also the result of the wine competionion was announced. During the two days of the event organic products market was available for the visitors.
National Organic day, 21/06/2009 was held in six different organic farm sin the rural area, Tamási, Hegyesd, Ivánc, Tarpa, Fajsz and Szendrő. The aim of the event was to help the consumers to get experiences on the operation of an organic farm and to see models for sustainable lifestyle to develop their of environmentally sound living.
Biokultúra Nap (21/11/2009)
This event was held directly in the immediate vicinity of the newly opened inspected organic market. Those interested could take part on a conference and there was an organic product exhibition and market organized as well.
The events were completed on the basis of the contract of no. KEOP-6.1.0/B-2008-0010.
Publication of the journal Biokultúra (2008-2009)
In May 2008 we won an annual grant (MECENATÚRA by the National Office for Research and Technology) to compile and publish Biokultúra scientific journal for a year. This journal is for organic farmers, for environmentalists and also for consumers, the firs paper was issued in 1983 by the Hungarian Bio Association. This newspaper informs its readers on a regular basis of new information and legislation related to organic farming. The Biokultúra journal is a special publication, plays an important role in the revitalization of rural areas, creating new jobs and contributes effectively to the implementation of the competitive and innovative agricultural and food production. By winning the Mecenatúra grant we achieved the following results: The journal publishing has become safer; we increased the number of the paged from 36 to 40. The articles can be found on our website.
Further awareness-raising events:
- XXI. Spring Promotion Biokultúra Meeting (Budapest, 23 March 2013)
- VI. National Organic Nap
- Soroksár Organic Nap (9 September 2012)
- XXV. Biokultúra Science Nap (1. December, 2012)
- XIX. Biokultúra Meeting (26. March, 2011)
- Sprouting holiday Hortobágy (30 April 2011)
- V. National Organic Nap
- IX. National Bio Cooking Competition and Shepherds Meeting (26 August, 2011) Balmazújváros Vókonya-puszta
- Mobile Lab project closing ceremony (25 November, 2011)
- Mosonmagyaróvár IV. National Organic Nap (27 June, 2010)
- VIII. National Bio Cooking Competition and Shepherds Meeting (20 August, 2010)